Friday, March 13, 2020

Unit 3 Materials

We went over a lot of the Monopoly notes in class on Friday, March 13.  Below are the power points that are related to those topics.  As Monopolistic Competition is very similar to monopoly, I have included that power point as well, though I did not hand out any monopolistic competition work.  In class I mentioned the 3rd day of monopoly notes, but we didn't actually go over any of it in class.  I have attached the notes for you to look at, but if you find it confusing, don't worry we will definitely go over it in whole when you get back.

1) Review the Power Points about Monopolies.

Monopoly Day 1
Monopoly Day 2
Monopoly Day 3
Monopolistic Competition

2) Do the Worksheets

I handed out four sheets.  However, I only have the right to post 1 of the 4 sheets.  If you do not have the other three sheets you can either make a copy of someone else's blank sheet and fill that out; write your own answers on a separate piece of paper; or wait until you get back to get your own copy.  The fourth sheets was the sheet about drawing and comparing both Monopoly and PC Graphs.  We will have a quiz on that sheet shortly after we get back from the break.

Revenue Functions of a Monopoly (Activity 3-10)
Profit Maximization by a Monopoly (Activity 3-11)
Comparing Perfect Competition and Monopoly (Activity 3-15)
PC vs Monopoly Graphs

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