Friday, March 13, 2020

Unit 5 Materials

Unit 5 is the economics topics that will be covered on the Replacement EOC. 

Here is what you can do to prepare:
1) Review the Power Points I have linked below
2) Do the worksheets
3) Review and practice on

1) Review the Power Points:  I have organized them into topics.  (These topics correlate to the linked domain on  I would go through them in the order listed.  Below the power points are links to all of the worksheets that I handed out on Friday, March 13th.  If you were in class you already have them.  Not every power point has a worksheet to go with it.

Topic 1: Macroeconomics  (Domain 3 on USATestprep)

Measuring the Health of a Country's Economy
Gross Domestic Product
GDP Formula

The Federal Reserve
The Federal Reserve
Monetary Policy

The Federal Government
Fiscal Policy
Debt and Deficit
Federal Spending and State Taxes

Topic 2: International Economics (Domain 4 on USATestprep)

Trade Barriers and Agreements
Exchange Rates and Measuring Trade

Topic 3: Personal Finance (Domain 5 on USATestprep)

Credit and Interest
Saving & Investing and Insurance

2) Do the worksheets
Here are links to the worksheets that I have a digital copy of.  For one of the sheets, I don't have the right to post it here.  If you don't have it, you can either make a copy of a classmates blank sheet; fill out your own answers on another piece of paper; or wait until you get back to get your own copy.

Unit 5 Study Guide
Testing Your Understanding (No digital copy available)
Monetary Policy
Fiscal Policy
Exchange Rates

3) Review and practice on has several ways to practice.

They have some games to use for review, but I would recommend that you instead take the domain tests and the Summative Tests

There are 5 domain tests.  The 5 domains are:

1- Fundamentals
2- Microeconomics
3- Macroeconomics
4- International
5- Personal Finance

The work linked in this post is all about domains 3-5.  However, all 5 domains are on the Replacement EOC.  Thus it is worth doing all five domains.

Alternately there are summative assessments in which it will review all of Econ in one test. 

You should start by doing one of the long summative assessments first. When you finish this, the results will divide up your score by the five domains.  Looking at those results will show you which domains you are struggling in.  The more questions you are asked, the more accurate the results will be.  Then you can use the individual domain tests to review and strengthen your abilities for the domains on which you are weakest.

You can get to all of this by:

1) Logging into
2) Near the top of the screen is a Resources Bar.  Under EOC select "Economics EOC Updated".
3) Click the Pink/Purple link near the upper right side of the screen that says "Take a Test" under it.
4) A box will pop up.
   - If you want to take a domain test, choose which domain from the pulldown menu.
   - If you want to take a summative test, choose the percentage you wish to take.  (I would suggest doing the 100% the first time.  See above for the reason.)   The bigger the percentage the more questions you will be asked.

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