Friday, March 13, 2020

Class Instructions for the Days we are Out

[Right now I am posting materials for us to be out of school two weeks.  If we are out longer than that, I will be adding more.]

My specific office hours while we are out will be between 12:00 and 1:00, however, I will be checking my email consistently throughout the day as well during time we are off.

Here is a link to my email:

Mr. Baumann:

Feel free to ask questions about specific items.  If I get multiple questions about the same things, I will post a longer explanation for everyone on this blog.

Below this post there are two additional posts.

One of them is titled: Unit 3 Materials.  It has links to the notes and worksheets related to monopolies and monopolistic competition.  Please review this material and complete the worksheets you were given in class on Friday, March 13.

The second post is titled: Unit 5 Materials.  It has links to the notes and worksheets related to the non-AP information you will need to do well on the Replacement EOC.

Assuming we are out for two weeks, you should complete the Unit 5 Materials during the first week. Then you can spend the second week focusing on the Unit 3 materials.

For all of the posts, I handed out more worksheets than I have linked in the post.  This is because I do not have the ability/right to post all of those things online.  I have listed all of the materials I handed out, but only those for which I have the right to post them online have I attached a link.

There are also three more chapter summaries that can occur over the dates we are out.  You should complete those as well.  The dates for those are:

March 20: Section 12 - Module 67
March 23: Section 12 - Module 64-66
March 31: Section 13 - Module 69-72

You may email the chapter summaries directly to me as you normally do, or you can wait and turn those three in when we get back.

See you when we get back.

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