Class Resources - AP Econ

Important Documents:

AP Microeconomics Syllabus

AP Micro Calendar - Spring 2020

Important Information for Parents and Students

EOC Study Guide

Textbook Website:

Krugman's Economics For AP

Click the above link to be taken directly to the BFW site.  You may/may not need to login further.  If you don't have to log in, you should click the link to the AP Econ class.  If you do have to log in.  See below:

If you have to log into the Clever portal:
     - Your student ID is: SCH\ in front of your student number.  (Example, if your student number was 123456, you would type SCH\123456)
     - Your password is the same password that you use when you are logging in from school.
     - Find and click the "Sapling Learning" Icon

If you have to log into the BFW website:
     - Click the links to this class and the textbook
     - You may have to create an account with a password.
     - You may want to mark the Sapling Learning icon as a favorite so it always shows up at the top
        of the screen

Once you have logged in:
     - To read the text book, click on the picture of the textbook in the right hand column
     - To take practice quizzes to test your understanding
           - Scroll down to the appropriate section of the book
           - Click on the "Learning Curve" link for the section you wish to review

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