Friday, August 11, 2017

August 14 - 19

  1. Talk about Book – Undercover Economist
  2. Go Over Unit 1 Test
  3. Explain Test Corrections
  1. Chap 3 Summary Due
  2. Lecture on Demand
  3. Determinants of Demand Work
  4. Demand Worksheet (Activity 1-4)
  1. Notes on Supply
  2. Determinants of Supply
  3. Supply Worksheet (Activity 1-6) 
  1. Chap 18 Summary Due
  2. Equilibrium Prices Notes
  3. Stossel in the Classroom Video – “Costs of “Free” Healthcare (2009)
  4. Reasons for Changes to Supply Worksheet
  5. Reasons for Changes to Demand Worksheet
  6. Equilibrium Price Worksheet
  1. S&D Determinants Quiz
  2. Market in Wheat Simulation
  3. Equilibrium Price and Equilibrium Quantity (Activity 1-8)

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