Friday, August 4, 2017

August 7 - 11

  1. Chap 2 Summary Due
  2. PPC Quiz
  3. Notes on Economic Systems
  4. Stossel Video on “The Role of Freedom in Prosperity
  5. Stossel Video on “Economic Freedom in the US, Hong Kong and India
  6. Circular Flow Worksheets
  1. Win-Win Trading Game
  2. Notes on Comparative Advantage
  3. Stossel Video “Does Outsourcing Hurt the U.S.” (Stossel Macroeconomics)
  4. Sanchez- Martin/Ukraine-Croatia Worksheet (together in class)
  5. Four More Comp. Adv and Opp. Cost Worksheets for various countries (homework)
  1. Review Second set of Comp Adv. Worksheets
  2. Comparative Advantage Quiz
  3. Unit Check Sheet
  4. Study Guide
  1. Go over Comparative Advantage Quiz
  2. Review for Test
  3. Finish Work for Unit
  1. Last Minute Review
  2. Test
  3. Classwork Due

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