Friday, August 18, 2017

August 21 - 25

  1. UE Ch1 Quiz
  2. Discuss UE Ch 1
  3. Review S&D Determinants Quiz
  4. S&D Practice Quiz (Stone 37 & 38)
  5. Going over Quiz (Student Graded)
  6. Shifts in Supply and Demand (Activity 1-9)
  1. Quiz on D&S
  2. Retake of S&D Determinants Quiz
  3. How Markets Allocate Resources (Activity 2-1)
  1. Notes – Floors & Ceilings
  2. Stossel - Price Gouging
  3. Stossel – Minimum Wage
  4. Price Controls Worksheet
  5. Maximum and Minimum Price Controls (Activity 2-7)
  1. Chapter 19 Summary Due
  2. Notes on Elasticity Part 1
  3. Elasticity Worksheet
  4. Elasticity an Introduction (Activity 2-3)
  5. Go over S&D Quiz
  1. Notes on Elasticity Part 2
  2. Elasticity Worksheet (same one as yesterday, except now they can do it using Total Revenue Test) (go over in class)
  3. TR, MR, Ed for a Downward Sloping Curve/Example of Finding Equilibrium/Practice Exercises/Is Demand Elastic (Stone 53, 58, 73, 75)

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