Friday, April 3, 2020

April 3 - Today's Work and Some Information About Things Going Forward

Today's Work:

Remember that this is based on the notes from yesterday. 

If you click the link below and scroll down you should complete the pages for Activity 3-14: Regulating a Monopoly.

Monopoly Work Sheets

Additional Information:

As I am sure you've all heard by now, online learning will continue and teachers are now allowed to put in new grades.  However, nothing can make your grade go below what it was on March 13 when we were last at school. 

We are close to being done with new material.  I would guess there are around five more days of notes/new topics and then we will be done. 

Sometime after Spring Break I will post a monopoly/monopolistic competition graph quiz.  There will likely be one or two more quiz type assessments after that.  Doing well on these can only make your grade go up.

I'm not sure what type of test we will have, but I'll figure something out.

For those of you who don't yet have your unit 2 tests, but still want to do test corrections for that, I'll come up with something.

For now what you can be doing to bring up your grade is turn in old work.  If you have missing classwork, summaries, test corrections, etc.  Turn them in.  If you can, take a photo or scan them and then email that to me. 

If you are missing a quiz or test, please reach out to me and we can figure out what to do about that.

Some of you have already emailed me things and I am in the process of working through them and putting in the grades.  Bear with me, there's a bit of a backlog as we weren't allowed to put in grades before today.

Once we have finished with the new material, my intention is to then shift into reviewing for the AP test.  If you look on the AP Central website they have some additional information about the test.  Here is a brief list of how the test will be given (as I currently understand it).

- It will be taken at home.  The time for the AP Micro test is 4:00 pm on May 20. 
- It will be open note/open book.
- You will be allowed to use a simple 4 function calculator.
- It will still be a timed test.  I believe it will be around 45-50 minutes.
- It will have three FRQ's.  You'll have 25 minutes for two short FRQs that count 55% and then another 15 minutes for one long FRQ that counts 45%
- You will NOT have to draw and submit any graphs. 
- It will NOT have a multiple choice section.
- It will NOT be about the material that AP calls Unit 6.  (Their units are different than ours.)  These are the things that will not be on the test.  (Most of them were in our Unit 2.)
     - Social efficiency.  (Allocative efficiency).
     - Externalities
     - Public vs Private Goods  (including the ideas of rivalry and excludability)
     - Effects of Government Intervention in the Different Market Structures.  This includes per-unit and lump sum taxes as well as Price Floors and Ceilings.  As I read it those topics will not be included but only as it applies to the different Market Structures.  They CAN still be included as they apply to the Market Graph.  (In other words you CAN have questions about price ceilings on a standard Supply and Demand X graph.  You CANNOT get a question about price ceilings on the MACG.)
     - Inequality (in particular the Lorenz curve and the GINI Coefficient.)

If you have more questions, please email me.

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