Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Test corrections

As I said before, I was able to go to my classroom and gather some materials.  However, the more I look at it the more clear it is that doing test corrections is going to be very hard to manage.  Having thought a long time about it, I have come to the decision that the best solution is for me to go back and give everyone points as if they have done their test corrections.  In fact, I have already done this.

To give the people who have already done their corrections some credit for their work, I have given those people a bit more credit on top of what they have already received on their tests.

If it helps you make sense of this, pretend that I went back and curved the tests.  Sort of.

You do not have to turn in any test corrections for any test you already have in your possession.  You can turn it in if you want, but you will not receive any additional credit for doing so.

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