Friday, March 27, 2020

March 27 - Monopoly Practice Sheets

[I have yet to hear from everyone in our class.  So, if you could do me a favor and pass along the information that there is work that needs to be done and turned in, that would be great.]

Today there are no new concepts to learn.  Instead you get to practice and show me that you understand what we've been doing so far.  Particularly as it applies to filling out a Revenue and Cost Chart for a monopoly, and as to reading Monopoly Graphs.

Click the links below to download the files.  Then save them to your computer with your name as the start of the file.  (Ex: Baumann Monopoly Graph)

Fill them out and then email them back to me. 

Here you go:

Monopoly Revenue and Cost Chart

Monopoly Graph Reading

Please have these back to me by Monday at the latest.

If you have questions be sure to ask!

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