Friday, February 28, 2020

Mar 2 - 6

  1. Review yesterday’s worksheets
  2. Notes on Graphing Costs 
  3. Understanding the Different Cost Measures of a Firm (Activity 3-3)
  4. Worksheet on Graphing Costs
  1. Undercover Economist Chap 4  Quiz
  2. Summary Due: Sect 10: Mod 56 & 57
  3. Go over quiz/work from Yesterday
  4. Notes on Long Run Prod Costs
  5. A Firm’s Long-Run Average Total Cost (Activity 3-4)
  6. Finding Profit in General 
  1. Marshmallow Towers Demonstration
  2. Quiz on Graph Reading (If time)
  1. Notes on Market Structures
  2. Worksheet on Market Structures
  3. Marvelous Marginal Manipulation Mania
  1. Summary Due: Section 11: Mod 58-60
  2. Notes on Perfect Competition (Part 1)
  3. Worksheet on the Cost, Revenue and Profit of a PC Firm – Stone
  4. Go over MMMM

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