Friday, February 28, 2020

Mar 2 - 6

  1. Review yesterday’s worksheets
  2. Notes on Graphing Costs 
  3. Understanding the Different Cost Measures of a Firm (Activity 3-3)
  4. Worksheet on Graphing Costs
  1. Undercover Economist Chap 4  Quiz
  2. Summary Due: Sect 10: Mod 56 & 57
  3. Go over quiz/work from Yesterday
  4. Notes on Long Run Prod Costs
  5. A Firm’s Long-Run Average Total Cost (Activity 3-4)
  6. Finding Profit in General 
  1. Marshmallow Towers Demonstration
  2. Quiz on Graph Reading (If time)
  1. Notes on Market Structures
  2. Worksheet on Market Structures
  3. Marvelous Marginal Manipulation Mania
  1. Summary Due: Section 11: Mod 58-60
  2. Notes on Perfect Competition (Part 1)
  3. Worksheet on the Cost, Revenue and Profit of a PC Firm – Stone
  4. Go over MMMM

Friday, February 14, 2020

Feb 24 - 28

Go over test from Unit 2

  1. UE Chap 4 Quiz
  2. Section 14 Mod 74-76 Summary Due
  3. Notes on Business Types
  4. Sole Prop, Part, Corp WS
  1. 2 or 6 Extra Points on Test Activity
  2. Fire Jumper Video
  3. Notes on Market Failures
  4. Crash Course #21
  5. Externalities WS (A5-2)
  1. Section 10 Module 52-55) Summary Due
  2. Notes on Costs of Production
  3. Costs of Production Game/Review
  4. Profit Review Sheet w/ Profit Definition Exercise
  5. Profit Expressions Worksheet
  1. Notes on Short Run Costs of Production
  2. Worksheet on Same – Done in Class (Productivity and Cost Exercise #1 x2 – Stone 94,95)
  3. Worksheets on Same – Done for Homework (Productivity and Cost Exercise #2, #3 and questions on 1&2 – Stone 96, 97)

Friday, February 7, 2020

Feb 10 - 14

  1. Elasticity Quiz
  2. Notes on Surplus, Efficiency and Deadweight Loss
  3. Seven CS/PS/DWL Graphs Game
  4. Surplus Worksheets (pages 55 and 56)
  5. Evaluating an Excise Tax (Stone 81)
  1. Summary Due – Section 9: Mod 51
  2. Return/Review Quiz Retake
  3. Notes on Marginal Utility (Ch. 19)
  4. Consumer Equilibrium Examples (Stone 85)
  5. Unit Checksheet
  6. Review for Test
  1. Practice AP Writing Portion Day
Test on Unit 2 – Written Questions

Test on Unit 2 – Multiple Choice