Thursday, January 2, 2020

Jan 6-10

  1. Syllabus/Classroom Expectations/Calendar
  2. Introductions
  3. AP Econ is different PPT/demonstration
  4. Work Smarter Not Harder
  5. Boards and Partners
  6. Area of Shapes Worksheet 
  1. Section 1: Mod 1&3 Due
  2. Go Over Area of Shapes
  3. Notes – Day 1
  4. Stossel Video on “Oil Supplies”
  5. Lemonade Worksheet 
Class meetings

  1. Review Lemonade Worksheet
  2. Law of Increasing Costs Demonstration
  3. Notes on Opportunity Cost and PPC’s
  4. PPC Worksheet
  5. Scarcity Opp. Cost and PPC (Activity 1-2)
  1. Review PPC Worksheet
  2. Notes on Economic Questions, Goals and Values
  3. Stossel Video – Is Life Getting Worse?
  4. Smith/Marx Comparison

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