Friday, January 31, 2020

Feb 3-7

  1. Undercover Economist Chap 2 Quiz
  2. Discussion on UE Chap 2
  3. Go Over Half Unit Test 
  1. Summary Due: Section 9: Modules 46-48
  2. Notes on Elasticity Part 1
  3. Elasticity Worksheet
  4. Elasticity an Introduction (Activity 2-3)
  1. Notes on Elasticity Part 2
  2. Elasticity Worksheet (same one as yesterday, except now they can do it using Total Revenue Test) (go over in class)
  3. TR, MR, Ed for a Downward Sloping Curve/Example of Finding Equilibrium/Practice Exercises/Is Demand Elastic (Stone 53, 58, 73, 75)
  1. Notes on Elasticity Part 3
  2. Elasticity in the Real World Worksheet (l4, A20) & Stone 68
  3. Go over any old worksheets that we need to go over
  1. Elasticity Quiz
  2. Summary Due – Sect 9: Mod 49 & 50
  3. Discuss Excise Taxes
  4. Excise Taxes (Activity 2-6)

Monday, January 27, 2020

Equilibrium Notes

Because a few people were confused, here are the notes from last Friday about Equilibrium.

Equilibrium Notes

Friday, January 24, 2020

Jan 27 - Jan 31

  1. UE Ch1 Quiz
  2. Discuss UE Ch 1
  3. S&D Determinants Quiz
  4. Market in Wheat Simulation
  5. Equilibrium Price and Equilibrium Quantity (Activity 1-8)
  6. S&D Practice Quiz (Stone 37 & 38)
  1. Go over Determinants Quiz
  2. Notes – Floors & Ceilings
  3. Stossel - Price Gouging
  4. Stossel – Minimum Wage
  5. Price Controls Worksheet
  6. Maximum and Minimum Price Controls (Activity 2-7)
  1. Quiz on D&S
  2. Retake of S&D Determinants Quiz
  3. Shifts in Supply and Demand (Activity 1-9)
  4. S&D Practice Quiz (Stone 37 & 38)
  5. How Markets Allocate Resources (Activity 2-1)
  1. Going over Quizzes
  2. Review for ½ test
Mid Unit Half Test

Friday, January 17, 2020

Jan 20-24


No Class - MLK Holiday

  1. Test on Unit 1 
  2. Unit 1 Classwork DueExplain Test Corrections
  1. Talk about Book – Undercover Economist
  2. Go Over Unit 1 Test
  3. Explain Test Corrections
  4. Finish Demand Notes
  5. Demand Worksheets
  1. Notes on Supply
  2. Determinants of Supply
  3. Supply Worksheet (Activity 1-6) 
  1. Section 2: Mod 7 & 8 Summary Due
  2. Equilibrium Prices Notes
  3. Stossel in the Classroom Video – “Costs of “Free” Healthcare (2009)
  4. Crash Course Econ: Episode #29 Healthcare
  5. Reasons for Changes to Supply Worksheet
  6. Reasons for Changes to Demand Worksheet
  7. Equilibrium Price Worksheet

Friday, January 10, 2020

Jan 13-17

  1. Section 3: Mod 10 Due (Stop when you get to the part about GDP)
  2. PPC Quiz
  3. Econoland Activity
  4. Circular Flow Worksheet
  5. Campus Parking Activity
  1. Notes on Economic Systems
  2. Stossel Video on “The Role of Freedom in Prosperity
  3. Stossel Video on “Economic Freedom in the US, Hong Kong and India
  4. “Marvel of Cooperation” Article
  1. Section 1: Mod 4 Due
  2. Notes on Comparative Advantage
  3. Stossel Video “Does Outsourcing Hurt the U.S.” (Stossel Macroeconomics)
  4. Sanchez- Martin/Ukraine-Croatia Worksheet (together in class)
  5. Four More Comp. Adv and Opp. Cost Worksheets for various countries (homework)
  1. Review Second set of Comp Adv. Worksheets
  2. Comparative Advantage Quiz
  3. Go over Comparative Advantage Quiz
  4. Unit Check Sheet
  5. Study Guide
  1. Last Minute Review
  2. Test
  3. Classwork Due

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Jan 6-10

  1. Syllabus/Classroom Expectations/Calendar
  2. Introductions
  3. AP Econ is different PPT/demonstration
  4. Work Smarter Not Harder
  5. Boards and Partners
  6. Area of Shapes Worksheet 
  1. Section 1: Mod 1&3 Due
  2. Go Over Area of Shapes
  3. Notes – Day 1
  4. Stossel Video on “Oil Supplies”
  5. Lemonade Worksheet 
Class meetings

  1. Review Lemonade Worksheet
  2. Law of Increasing Costs Demonstration
  3. Notes on Opportunity Cost and PPC’s
  4. PPC Worksheet
  5. Scarcity Opp. Cost and PPC (Activity 1-2)
  1. Review PPC Worksheet
  2. Notes on Economic Questions, Goals and Values
  3. Stossel Video – Is Life Getting Worse?
  4. Smith/Marx Comparison