Friday, November 8, 2019

November 11 - 15


Go Over Unit 4 Test

  1. Bag of Mystery
  2. Notes – Inflation
  3. Video clips: “Inflation”
  4. Stoseel Clip – Gas Prices (Macro)
  5. Price Indexes (Morton 3/13)
  6. Who is Hurt and Who is Helped by Inflation? (Morton 3/15)
  1. Notes – The Fed
  2. Measuring Broad Economic Goals (Morton 2/11)
  3. Test Your Understanding of Macro Indicators (Morton 5/18)
  4. Creating Money Demonstration
  5. Notes on Monetary Policy
  6. Video clip on Monetary Policy
  7. The Fed: Mechanics of Monetary Policy (Morton 4/38)
  1. Notes on Fiscal Policy
  2. Notes on Taxes
  3. Video clip on Fiscal Policy
  4. Stossel Video “Broken Windows” (Macro)
  5. Tools of Fiscal Policy (Morton 8/30)
  6. Discretionary and Automatic Fiscal Policy (8/31)
  7. Yes, I Love Taxes Reading
  1. Notes – Debt vs. Deficit
  2. Notes - Federal Spending & State Taxes
  3. Stossel Video: Is Government Too Big (Macro)
  4. Stossel Video: Government Growth (Macro)
  5. Stossel Video: Federal Spending (2009)
  6. Stossel Video on Pork Barrel Spending (Stossel
  7. Video on Budget Cuts Visualization
  8. Compare and Contrast Two Debt Articles

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