Friday, September 13, 2019

Sep 16 - 20

  1. UE Chap 4 Quiz
  2. Section 10 Module 52-55) Summary Due
  3. Notes on Costs of Production
  4. Costs of Production Game/Review
  5. Profit Review Sheet w/ Profit Definition Exercise
  6. Profit Expressions Worksheet
  1. Notes on Short Run Costs of Production
  2. Worksheet on Same – Done in Class (Productivity and Cost Exercise #1 x2 – Stone 94,95)
  3. Worksheets on Same – Done for Homework (Productivity and Cost Exercise #2, #3 and questions on 1&2 – Stone 96, 97)
  1. Review yesterday’s worksheets
  2. Notes on Graphing Costs (No ppt, graphs on board) (Stone 102)
  3. Use bar graph example to show how both graphs work.
  4. Discuss how profit is found on both graphs.
  5. Understanding the Different Cost Measures of a Firm (Activity 3-3)
  6. Worksheet on Graphing Costs
  1. Section 14 Mod 74-76 Summary Due
  2. Notes on Business Types
  3. Sole Prop, Part, Corp WS

  1. Marshmallow Towers Demonstration

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