Thursday, January 3, 2019

Jan 7 - 11

  1. Syllabus/Classroom Expectations/Calendar
  2. Introductions
  3. AP Econ is different PPT/demonstration
  4. Work Smarter Not Harder
  5. Boards and Partners
  6. Area of Shapes Worksheet 
  1. Chap 1 Summary Due
  2. Notes – Day 1
  3. Stossel Video on “Oil Supplies”
  4. Lemonade Worksheet 
  1. Go Over Area of Shapes
  2. Scarcity Game
  3. Tennis Ball Moving Demonstration
  1. Section 1: Mod 1& 3 Due
  2. Review Lemonade Worksheet
  3. Law of Increasing Costs Demonstration
  4. Notes on Opportunity Cost and PPC’s
  5. PPC Worksheet
  6. Scarcity Opp. Cost and PPC (Activity 1-2)
  1. Review PPC Worksheet
  2. Notes on Economic Questions, Goals and Values
  3. Stossel Video – Is Life Getting Worse?
  4. Smith/Marx Comparison

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