Friday, February 2, 2018

Feb 5-9

  1. Undercover Economist Chap 3 Quiz
  2. Discussion on UE Chap 3
  3. Summary Due
  4. Notes on Elasticity Part 1
  5. Elasticity Worksheet
  6. Elasticity an Introduction (Activity 2-3)
  1. Notes on Elasticity Part 2
  2. Elasticity Worksheet (same one as yesterday, except now they can do it using Total Revenue Test) (go over in class)
  3. TR, MR, Ed for a Downward Sloping Curve/Example of Finding Equilibrium/Practice Exercises/Is Demand Elastic (Stone 53, 58, 73, 75)
  1. Notes on Elasticity Part 3
  2. Elasticity in the Real World Worksheet (l4, A20) & Stone 68
  3. Go over any old worksheets that we need to go over
  1. Chapter 19 Discuss Excise Taxes
  2. Excise Taxes (Activity 2-6)
  3. Talk about Elasticity
  4. Prep for quiz
  1. Elasticity Quiz
  2. Notes on Surplus, Efficiency and Deadweight Loss
  3. Surplus Worksheets (pages 55 and 56)
  4. Evaluating an Excise Tax (Stone 81)

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