Friday, February 16, 2018

Feb 26 - Mar 2

  1. Go over Unit 2 test
  1. UE Chap 5 Quiz
  2. Chap 4 Summary Due
  3. Notes on Business Types
  4. Chapter Review Page 82, Questions 1-5
  1. Chap 20 Summary
  2. Fire Jumper Video
  3. Notes on Market Failures
  4. Crash Course #21
  5. Chapter Review Page 82, Questions 6-9, 11, 12 
  1. Notes on Costs of Production
  2. Costs of Production Game/Review
  3. Profit Review Sheet w/ Profit Definition Exercise
  4. Profit Expressions Worksheet
  1. Notes on Short Run Costs of Production
  2. Worksheet on Same – Done in Class (Productivity and Cost Exercise #1 x2 – Stone 94,95)
  3. Worksheets on Same – Done for Homework (Productivity and Cost Exercise #2, #3 and questions on 1&2 – Stone 96, 97)

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