Friday, January 5, 2018

Jan 8-12


  1. Chap 1 Summary Due
  2. Notes – Day 1
  3. Stossel Video on “Oil Supplies”
  4. Lemonade Worksheet 
  1. Review Lemonade Worksheet
  2. Law of Increasing Costs Demonstration
  3. Notes on Opportunity Cost and PPC’s
  4. PPC Worksheet
  5. Scarcity Opp. Cost and PPC (Activity 1-2)
  1. Chap 2 Summary Due
  2. Review PPC Worksheet
  3. Notes on Economic Questions, Goals and Values
  4. Stossel Video – Is Life Getting Worse?
  5. Smith vs Marx Comparison
  6. Opportunity Cost Worksheet
  7. Article on “Order Without Planning”
  8. Smith/Marx Comparison
  1. PPC Quiz
  2. Go over Opportunity Cost Worksheet
  3. Win-Win Trading Game
  4. Discussion of Article
  5. Notes on Economic Systems
  6. Stossel Video on “The Role of Freedom in Prosperity
  7. Stossel Video on “Economic Freedom in the US, Hong Kong and India
  8. Campus Parking Activity
  9. Circular Flow Worksheets

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