Friday, October 6, 2017

October 9-13

  1. UE Chap 5 Quiz
  2. Discuss UE Ch 5
  3. Monopoly Part 1
  4. MR Less than DARP Question
  5. Practice Reading/Drawing Mono graphs
  6. Go over old worksheets (as needed)
  7. Monopoly Worksheets
  8. New graph work on Monopolies
  1. Discuss old work/review Monopoly and PC graphs
  2. Notes on Monopoly part 2
  3. Monopoly Work
  4. Go over PC Quiz
  1. Discuss old work/review Monopoly graphs
  2. Quiz on Monopoly and PC graphs
  3. Quiz on Monopoly graphs
  4. Start Monopoly Part 3 if time permits
  1. Chap 23 Summary Due
  2. Notes on Monopolies – Day 3
  3. Price Discrimination (Activity 3-13)
  4. Regulating a Monopoly (Activity 3-14)
  5. Go over quiz from yesterday (if time)
  1. Notes on Monopolistic Competition
  2. Monopolistic Competition (Activity 3-16)
  3. Review old Work as needed

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