Monday, April 30, 2018

April 30 - May 4


Notes on Saving, Investing and Insurance

Tuesday and Wednesday:

Practice AP Test


Go over Practice AP Test


Unit 5 Test

Friday, April 20, 2018

April 23 - 27

Finish GPD
Bag of Mystery

Federal Reserve
Monetary Policy

Fiscal Policy

Debt vs Deficit
Federal Spending

Trade Barriers and Agreements
Exchange Rates

Friday, April 13, 2018

April 16-20

1.  Chap 34 Summary Due
2. Quiz
3. Practice AP Questions

Unit 4 Test - Written

Unit 4 Test - MC

Go Over Unit 4 Test

Unemployment and GDP

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Substitution, Net and Output Effect

Here is the explanation ppt for these concepts.

Substitution, Net and Output Effect

Clifford Review Session

This is the info about the review session being given by Jacob Clifford. 


We have an exciting opportunity to share with your students! Mr. Clifford (Jacob Clifford) from ACDC Economics on YouTube is flying here to do review sessions with our students from around the North Metro Area!  This not a lecture. It's a high-energy review that will give students the tools, skills, and strategies they need to rock the AP Econ exams. The price includes admission to the live session and also access to exclusive resources including: Clifford's step-by-step exam review video course, two NEW full-length practice exams, "essential practice" worksheets, and other new resources. Several prizes will be raffled off including Mr. Clifford autographed ACDC belt buckles!

Admission is $20 for students per session. Students are welcome to pay at the door (and teachers are welcome at no charge).

AP Microeconomics Review Session- May 2, 6:00-9:00 PM

AP Macroeconomics Review Session- May 3, 6:00-9:00 PM

Both will be held at Walton High School in the theater (1590 Bill Murdock Road, Marietta, GA 30062). Our theater only holds 430 students, so please share the link with your students to sign up on the link ahead of time, so we know how many to expect. (However, we can only hold spots on the day of for the students who have prepaid.)

Since we know time will be tight between school and the session for some students coming from across the county, our Habitat for Humanity Club will be selling pizza and refreshments for $1-$2 outside the door starting at 5:30 PM.  Some of the proceeds from the event will also go to Walton’s Habitat for Humanity as a donation from Mr. Clifford for organizing the event.